Weight Loss Engima

How To Lose That Belly Once and For All

Let's be completely honest (it's about time someone was honest with you about this, after all). Shedding fat is actually pretty simple. Notice I didn't say "easy." I said simple. The magic bullet, if you will, has been right in front of you all along. What am I talking about? Keep reading...

If you want to lose that belly then you simply need to follow some basic principles. As long as you are eating the right things, following the right meal plan, getting plenty of exercise, drinking plenty of water, and adding some lean muscle, you will be able to achieve your goals. Period. That's all there is to it. Simple right?

Everything will start by developing the right diet to follow. If you fail to follow a proper diet and you indulge in an unhealthy foods on a regular basis you will never reach your goals and you will never lose that belly. You should be completely aware of the types of foods you need to be taking on board if you want to see the best possible results.

If you are not completely sure of what type of diet you need to be following then you need to conduct some research. The Internet should provide you with all sorts of options and many different, ready-made diets that you can pick up and run with. If you want something specifically tailored to your own personal needs then talk to a dietitian, nutritionist, or personal trainer.

Of course, what you eat is one thing, but how you eat is going to be equally important. The best way to lose that belly is through small and regular meals to keep keep your cravings at bay. Even if you are eating healthily, eating several large meals a day rather than twice as many half portions will not lead to the best results possible.

Many people underestimate the importance of drinking enough water. Don't be one of them. You should actively make sure that you drink at least eight full glasses every single day - that's at least 64 ounces. In fact, most people only tend to have two or three and this is woefully insufficient if you are looking to lose weight. Water is critical in washing fat cells away and in keeping your cravings in check between your meals.

Once you have a proper meal plan set up and you are regularly and actively making sure that you drink plenty of water, you need to start developing a cardiovascular exercise routine to incorporate into your daily schedule. This isn't necessary, but it will certainly be extremely helpful if you want to see quicker results.

Your focus should primarily be on high-intensity interval training routines if you really want to see the quickest and most effective results. Interval training involves short bursts of high intensity exercise, followed by slightly longer bursts of low intensity exercise. You can incorporate any form of exercise into an interval training routine, giving you flexibility with the workouts that you conduct.

If you want to develop a rounded physique then you may also want to focus on developing a bit of lean muscle. Essentially, muscle burns more calories than fat and therefore the more muscle you have, the more fat you will burn off.

Combine all of these factors properly and you will find it very easy to lose that belly in quickfire time.
6:23 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Tips To Choose The Best Fashion Jewelry

Making a fashion statement doesn't just limit to wearing trending outfits, but also the way you accessorize yourself. When you are wearing jewelry, it should be so pretty that a single glance by any passerby is not enough to savor the beauty. Statement jewels have always been an amazing add-on to your beauty that you will simply love the attention showered upon you from the crowd once you are flooded in one.

Fashion jewelry can sometimes be casual and inexpensive or formal and expensive depending upon the materials used, including paper, plastic, rice, fiberglass, metal etc.

How to choose the best?

Fashion jewelry has lots of options and the best way to get the right one is to go with the theme or the occasion where you would be wearing it. For some people motifs and abstract jewels go best with their trendy everyday wear to look modern and chic and also making a statement among friends. Another option is to go with a signature color and work on around it. You could also choose to be experimental by selecting only the statement jewels in unique designs that compliment your style and fashion.

Choosing quality and price

We are always tempted to buy the jewels which are of low price, but do remember that those of lesser price would be of lower quality. So no matter how unique and beautiful it is and is complimenting you look, it won't give value if it falls off halfway to your destined place. You do not have to spend a fortune on imitation jewelry unlike real and pure ones, but choose those that are well made and would at least guarantee that it would last long enough till the trend wears off.

Where to find great fashion jewelry

There are numerous places where you could find amazing collection of jewelries, both online and offline. You could also check antique places, craft shows or specialty jewel stores that has few of the most exquisite pieces that would just take your heart away. Nowadays there are hundreds of online portals as well where you could find few unique pieces, but be sure that the portal is real and authentic so that you spend only on quality jewels and not just any cheap prices. Along with shopping from the comfort of your home another advantage is you can check your wardrobe and buy those matching with your outfits along with saving a lot of time running around from store to store.

6:21 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Advantages of Pre-Planning Your Meals for a Healthy Diet

Pre-planning your meals for ensuring a well-balanced and nutritious diet is the crucial first step towards eating healthy.

Advantages of Planning

• Healthy choices: when you are thinking about your meal plan, you have several choices from a many different ingredients. You can try different types of vegetables and fruits. You can also try out different recipes that are healthier.

• Controlling temptations: if you can find alternatives for junk food that have a smaller amount of calories, it will get easy for you to avoid chips.

• Enjoyable meals: instead of just having regular cereal, create special occasional brunches for yourself and treat yourself with something different. Look forward to having that food and double the pleasure you get from the meal.

• Tracking progress: with mobile fitness application or by keeping a diary for your weight loss, it will always be easier to make a better assessment of your diet plan. By keeping a track of your previous day's meals, you'll be able to monitor your progress.

• Schedule management: if you prepare for your day's meal in advance, you'll be able to care for your health better. Your days can sometimes be very busy and packed with activities, so preparing in advance will make it easier for you to have a healthy meal.

Ideas to implement while dining out

• Healthy snacking: your diet plan may get affected when you are dining outside. If you carry crackers or a pack of nuts along, you'll end up ordering lighter as you'll be feeling full already.

• Calling ahead: you should check your choices in the menus before reserving a table. Check if the kitchen will make custom orders and whether they have a calorie count on their menus.

• Getting support: according to various studies, people we dine out with have a significant effect on calories we take. Order first in the group so you can influence others.

Ideas to implement at your home

• Shopping smartly: when you go grocery shopping, try to fill your shopping cart with freshly produced goods instead of putting in processed foods. The groceries reaching your kitchen should be healthy for your heart and good for your waistline.

• Arranging your food: when you are hungry and go to the kitchen, the first thing you should see is something healthy so chances of snacking on it will be more. If you still have some junk food in the house, keep them far and out of your reach where you'll likely get lazier to get it from.

• Cook at once: if you keep your focus on make-ahead meals, you can feed your family more times than you cook.

• Measuring parts: you should be able to identify and become familiar with sizes of the portions.

Pre-planning meals will help you keep a healthy weight and giving you a motivational diet plan. Even though healthy eating and maintaining a lifestyle of balanced diets is not easy, it is worth the effort that you put into it. Proper diet does not only ensure health, but it also makes you happier. The ideas that we have mentioned above are for assisting you in making decisions about what you should eat. If you are dining outside at a friend's or a restaurant, these ideas will help you in deciding what to eat and maintaining your healthy lifestyle without compromising on all the fun and socializing.
6:19 PM | 0 comments | Read More

The 5 Most Misleading "Facts" About Fat Loss

Why Does It Seem SO Hard to Achieve Fat Loss?

Fat loss... everyone wants it, but it seems like we can't ever get enough of it. You've been working REALLY hard in the gym. You feel like you eat NOTHING tasty, delicious and bad for you. You even lift weights. BUT, you still look at yourself in the mirror and see little or no definition, flabby upper arms, love handles and thighs you're embarrassed to show off. What gives? Why is the fat clinging on for dear life even though you're working so hard?

Fat loss is a funny, scratch that, FRUSTRATING thing. A lot needs to go right to lose fat while maintaining that lean, hard muscle mass. Most people don't know the first thing about fat loss. For example, when I ask people what their plan is for losing fat, so many of them tell me all about how they're going to eat salads and run every day (sigh). While a diet change is likely in the near future, and cardio does burn calories, it's not that simple. Fat loss is as much a hormonal thing as it is a calorie thing, and hormones can be VERY complicated. With that said, there are some known facts about fat loss that you NEED to know. They're crucial to your transformation and your tone and definition depends on them! Read on to learn more about the 5 most misleading facts about fat loss!

The 5 Most Misleading Facts About Fat Loss

1. Creating a calorie deficit of 500 calories per day will results in 1lb of fat loss per week - Losing fat isn't as simple as calories in and calories out. While you do need to create a calorie deficit, too many other factors come into play, like hormones and your macronutrient ratio. Your body releases hormones all the time for different reasons. The type of exercise you perform, the foods you eat, and your daily activities all play into which hormones are flowing through your body. Rather than focusing on 500 calories per day, focus on activities that produce fat burning hormones. Activities like weight training, High Intensity Interval Training and leisure paced cardio (walking, cycling, etc) all have a positive hormonal effect. Similarly, non-starchy carbs like veggies, high protein foods and high fibers foods are all great options for keeping fat storage turned off.

2. Doing Ab Exercises Leads to a Six Pack - Resistance training does burn calories and over time can help lead to fat loss. In fact, heavy weight lifting can induce Excess Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption. However, in order for your six pack to show through, you need to lose the body fat that covers it. Research has proven that you can't target a specific area for fat loss. While ab exercises like crunches, planks and leg raises do burn calories, the quickest way to a six pack is through the right nutrition program. We all actually have a six pack already (score!). It just happens to be covered by a layer of body fat. If your goal is a six pack and your body fat percentage is over 20%, focus more on your diet than doing crunches and other ab exercises. You'll see a lot more progress.

With that said, having a strong core is important for overall health. Full body exercises like planks are great for developing a stable core. Multi-joint exercises like deadlifts and squats also give a killer core workout while working a lot of other muscle groups as well.

3. Running Every Day is the Best Way to Lose Fat - Steady state cardio, whether on the treadmill, elliptical, stepper, etc, is a good way to burn calories. There's no doubt about that. But is it the best way to burn fat? Definitely not. Think about marathon runners and sprinters. Which one would you rather look like? They're both elite athletes in incredible shape, but the type of training they do is vastly different. If you're very de-conditioned, cardio is important to help you burn calories and improve your cardiovascular capacity. It reduces risks for things like heart disease and stroke, but it isn't all that effective for losing stubborn fat. The reason is hormones, more specifically, Cortisol. Steady state cardio increases Cortisol levels which puts your body into a fat storing state. This is why so many people spend hours and hours running but still have the belly, arm and thigh fat. The reason sprinters don't experience the same thing is because high intensity exercise like sprinting releases anabolic hormones. These hormones include growth hormone and testosterone.

Steady state cardio is fine to mix in for a good calorie burn, but when it comes to fat loss, it might be holding you back. Try some interval training and be sure to do a lot of leisure paced cardio as well.

4. Just Eat Healthy - For a lot of people, the problem isn't knowing which foods are good or bad for you. The problem lies in overeating them. If you're already overweight or you eat a lot of processed, sugary, high-starch foods, then you'll see good results from changing your eating habits. This change should include moving towards foods like fruits, vegetables, lean meats and natural, "from the Earth" foods. Avoiding things like processed foods, artificial sweeteners, and fast absorbing carbs will be a great way to start your transformation.

With that said, eating too much healthy food is still too much when it comes to fat loss, especially if your body fat percentage is fairly low. Clean eating is important for having a healthy body, but too much clean eating is still too much. This goes back to the simplest part of fat loss - creating a calorie deficit. If you eat too many calories, it's going to be near impossible to lose a lot of body fat. So eat healthy, but in the APPROPRIATE amount of healthy food.

5. Fat Loss Aids - Fat loss supplements need to be thought of as an accelerator, not a crutch. There are A LOT of fat loss supplements out there. Many of them are useless, but many of them do provide fat loss benefits. However, NONE of them will magically make you lose fat by just popping a pill, mixing up a drink, or putting on some kind of wrap. None of them will be beneficial without a great exercise program and the right nutrition program for you. If you have these two things, a fat loss supplement may accelerate your progress. Many of them rely on hormonal changes to help your body burn more fat, but if you're not working out efficiently and eating for fat loss, no amount of pills can help you long term.

Focus on learning how to lift weights correctly and efficiently, and learning how to eat properly for your body. Once you have these two things down, you can start considering supplements.

These are the most common misleading "facts" about fat loss that I hear. Avoid these pitfalls and you'll be one step closer to changing your body for life.
12:40 PM | 0 comments | Read More

How To Look Young And Fabulous In Your Thirties

Thirty is now the new twenty. The advent of new and advanced skin care makes it easier for older women to look younger than their actual age. If you just reached the magic number and are concerned about the right products for your skin, then this article can shed some light on how to help your skin fight wrinkles and free radicals.

Skin Tone

Using facial care is the first step in preventing ageing but using the right one is the most crucial of all. Skin tones differ depending on the melanin content as such, using the right product is essential. People that are fair-skinned usually are more susceptible to irritation caused by UV rays since the skin is thin. Irritation, redness and sensitivity to the sun are just some problems that fair-skinned individuals have to endure. People with medium skin tone or those with more melanin are less sensitive and as such, they can use stronger products than fair-skinned people.

People with olive tone have medium melanin and as such they tend to look glowing at the same time. Although having an olive toned skin is highly desirable, lesions or scratches tend to look darker and as such it is important for olive-skinned individuals to use gentle products especially exfoliant in their cleaning regime. Another skin tone type is dark skin. This is due to the high melanin levels in their body. Problems that most individuals faced include uneven tone or discoloration when the skin is damaged due to cuts or scratches.

Skin Care Regime

Fair skinned individuals would benefit from using a gentle facial wash; usually those formulated as milky cleansers as they are gentle and won't strip the body of its natural oil. To block the sun's UV rays, one must always use sunscreens especially those skin care products with high SPF of 50 or more before going out.

People with medium tone normally also have oily complexions and as such, using light creams that are rich in anti-oxidants will not only hydrate the skin but prevent it from the feeling of heaviness that heavy creams usually have. Light creams also do not clog the pores and are gentle enough that it will not lead to breakouts.

Olive and Dark skinned individuals should also use light cleansers and gentle exfoliants to encourage skin regeneration. Brightening and hydrating masks are also recommended as these help even out skin color while hydrating the skin resulting to an even and refreshed look.
12:32 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Top Fat Burning Foods To Consider

If you have heard about the fact that some foods can help you to lose weight then you've heard it right. It is not just the exercise or dieting with which you can burn fat, but there are some fat burning foods as well that can keep unhealthy fat off you. Let's go through some of these top fat burning foods.


More and more studies have been conducted on the effects of bananas regarding keeping our weights to ideal level and all of them show that they are quite effective. You can quite easily incorporate eating bananas into your daily routine. For instance, you can cut a few and add them to the oatmeal, or a bunch can be kept around for grabbing quickly whenever you want to take something sweet. However, it is advisable not to eat more than one banana in a day as they contain sugar too.


You can get some help in shedding off some pounds if you choose mushrooms rather than sausage or pepperoni with the next pizza you eat. Increasing mushrooms' intake with different other foods that are healthy as well can help you to get better results as they have good amounts of vitamin and contain low calories.

It is necessary to branch out mushrooms before you eat them and try ones which seem a bit different rather than always going for button mushroom that everyone uses. All of them carry unique characteristics. However, all are amongst the best fat burning foods.


The popularity of lentils amongst fat burning foods is increasing and they can help in losing weight. They have high fiber content which keeps you feel full between your meals and can also keep the levels of blood sugar under control.

If you are turning to a vegetarian diet then lentil can be used for taking proteins. It allows you to keep track of your cholesterol levels as well.


Broccoli is also an important item to be included in this list. They are a good source of shedding some fat. It makes you feel full. But it can offer a bit more than that. Every pound of broccoli contains tons of different nutrients and it is also a good source of fiber as well. You can use peppers or spices for spicing it up. However, make sure that you skip broccoli cheese soup because it does not help with the weight loss.

4:21 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Quick and Easy Soup Recipes Using Herbs and Spices

Herbs and spices are perfect add-ons to whatever type of soup you prefer. Throw in a few vegetables and some meat and you're sure to have a fulfilling appetizer!

Enjoy a healthy bowl of hot soup tonight for dinner with these 3 quick and easy recipes:

Classic Cream of Herbs Soup

What you need:

    5 cups chicken broth
    1 cup chopped spinach
    1 cup chopped green onions
    1/2 cup chopped parsley
    1/2 cup chopped basil
    1 cup half-and-half cream
    5 tbsps. butter
    2 tbsps. all-purpose flour
    1 tsp. white sugar
    Salt and ground black pepper to taste

In a large saucepan, melt 3 tbsps. butter over medium heat then add onions. Sauté onions until tender before adding spinach, parsley and basil. Reduce heat to low and cover for 10 minutes. Stir in chicken broth and sugar then slowly add cream. Cover and simmer for 30 minutes. Melt the remaining butter in a separate saucepan over medium heat. Add flour then stir constantly for at least 2 minutes. Pour a little of the herb soup over the flour and mix until smooth. Remove from heat and pour the flour mixture over the soup. Transfer soup to serving bowls and garnish with parsley leaves if desired.

Carrot and Cumin Hot Soup

What you need:

    6 cups chicken stock
    1 kg. carrots, peeled and cut into chunks
    1 potato, peeled and cut into chunks
    1 medium onion, sliced
    2 tbsps. olive oil
    1 tbsp. ground cumin
    Salt and ground black pepper to taste

Heat olive oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add in carrot, potato and onion slices and sauté for about 5 minutes. Add chicken stock and cook until vegetables are tender. Remove from heat and pour into a blender. Process until soup is smooth. Transfer to a serving bowl and season with cumin, salt and pepper. Mix soup well before serving.

Herbs and Spices Butternut Squash Soup

What you need:

    5 cups vegetable stock
    2 butternut squash, peeled and sliced into squares
    2 sticks celery, chopped
    2 cloves garlic, chopped
    1 onion, chopped
    1 sprig fresh rosemary
    1 tbsp. olive oil
    1/2 tsp. dried chili flakes
    1 pinch ground cumin
    1 pinch smoke paprika

Heat olive oil in a large pan. Add garlic, onion, rosemary, chili flakes, cumin and paprika and sauté until garlic and onions are tender. Stir in squash and celery and cook for 5 minutes, making sure they are coated with the herbs and spices. Add vegetable stock and bring to a boil. Cover and simmer on low heat for 40-50 minutes. When ready, puree soup in batches using a blender. Transfer to a serving bowl and garnish with a sprig of rosemary.

Start dinner with these mouth-watering herbs and spices soup recipes and you'll surely experience an enjoyable dining experience like no other!
2:33 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Vegan Coconut Bread Recipes

Coconut Bread


12 oz or 375 g vegan margarine

2 tsp vanilla extract (can also use vanilla essence)

8 oz or 250g brown sugar

6 tbspcornstarch or cornflour

4 oz or 120ml water or coconut water

8ozor 225 g grated coconut

1 lb or 450 g flour

Dash cinnamon, mixed spice, nutmeg

2 tsp baking powder

3 oz or 100 g raisins (optional)

3 oz or 100 g glacé cherries (optional)

Garnish: Light brown sugar, grated coconut and cherries


Preheat oven to 325oF, 160oC or gas mark 3.
Grease two small loaf tins. Line the tins with greaseproof paper.
Place all the ingredients in a food processor in the order they are listed sifting in the flour and reserving 4 tablespoons of grated coconut. Process for 20 seconds.
Add the raisins if you are including these and process for a further 5 seconds.
Place the mixture in the two loaf tins in equal amounts.
Make a ditch down the centre of the bread and fill with most of the reserved coconut, covering it with the mixture so that it is in the middle of the finished breads. This can be spiced up with a pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg and a little sugar to taste.
Sprinkle the top with sugar, the rest of the reserved grated coconut and cherries, if using.
Bake in the centre of the oven for about an hour or until an inserted skewer comes out clean.
Lift onto racks and cool.

1:22 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Vegan Banana Peanut Bread Recipes

Banana Peanut Bread


4 ripe bananas (mashed)

1 lb or 450 g flour

8 oz or 225 g sugar

4 oz or 110 g vegan margarine

4 tbspcornstarch or corn flour

4½ oz or 125 g peanuts (crushed)

1 tbsp baking powder

1 tsp vanilla extract (can also use vanilla essence)

½ tsp grated nutmeg

3 oz or 75 g raisins (chopped)



Cream the margarine and sugar together until fluffy; add cornstarch or corn flour.
Sift together flour, baking powder and salt. Add alternately with mashed bananas peanuts and nutmeg. Mix well and pour into a greased baking tin.
Add chopped raisins and bake in a moderate oven for 30 minutes.
12:28 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Best 5 Jeans Trends for Men in the Year 2015

Jeans are one of the most used pieces of men's clothing in the world! The rugged thick cotton pants started off humbly in North America as peasant clothing. The cowboys then wore them, and the refined people of the city adopted them from the yuppies and thus began its worldwide journey. Jeans come in a number of fits, finishes, standards of material etc. Every year, the fashion industry churns out new styles. Let's look at what this year holds:

1- Distressed Jeans: This style continues to stay in fashion and shall rage on in 2015 as well. The celebrities swear by them and are seen pretty much as a symbol of the urban male. They are casual, cool, and can be paired with a cotton T-shirt or even a yoga top. Wear them with a casual pair of floaters or sandals and you are set to turn heads at a casual gathering.

2- Straight Cut Jeans: Straight cut jeans typically fit about the thigh area. This is part of classic fashion and has pretty much become something of a timeless trend. They are best complimented with a pair of joggers. Make sure you pick a good belt as the waist line is low enough for the belt to be visible. Tuck your shirt in for a more formal look. Tall and well-built men look best in straight cut jeans.

3- Slim Jeans: Slim jeans were first made for men. They now come in a plethora of colors and are perfect for summers, parties, or even a casual trip. When paired with an appropriate shirt, they can even be worn for formal occasions. These are not as narrow as skinny jeans and are tapered at the calf region. Remember to try them on before you buy them. You must be sure you can walk in them in comfort. They go great with leather boots. Athletic men might find this a tad bit constraining. But if you have little activity, then they can be snug yet comfortable when you find the right fit.

4- Dressy Jeans: This style is more suited for formal or semi-formal occasions. They can even be worn to work with formal shirts tucked in and worn with formal leather shoes. You can jazz it up for a night out, with a slim tie and a dressy shirt. Black formal leather boots go great with dressy jeans. Make sure you do not wash them in hot water as they tend to shrink. Use cold water and dry under shade.

5- Fit Jeans: Fit jeans have a number of sub categories. Boot cut jeans and tight fitting jeans come under this section. All kinds of fit jeans shall trend all year round, so make sure you get yourself a couple of good pairs.

A good pair of jeans worn right can make all the difference! So, make sure you pick carefully and look up the internet to see what style will fit your body type best!
1:38 PM | 0 comments | Read More

10 Reasons to Add Apple Cider Vinegar to Your Diet

Many people have a bottle of apple cider vinegar (ACV) somewhere in the kitchen. Chefs add it sparingly to enhance the flavor of certain dishes or as a salad dressing. They may start using it a bit more if they knew how beneficial this sour-tasting liquid actually is.

Apple cider vinegar has been used as a folk remedy to cure everything from warts to the flu. Although many claims remain unproven, medical professionals are convinced that adding a splash to your diet may be quite healthy. Experts suggest drinking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with water or juice every day. Here are 10 reasons why.

 1 - This liquid, which contains acetic acid, has antibiotic properties, which you need when suffering from diarrhea caused by a bacterial infection.

2 -  The pectin in apple cider vinegar can help control intestinal spasms and indigestion.
3 -  Do you have a sore throat? Gargle infections and nasty germs away with a concoction of a quarter cup of warm water and a quarter cup of your special vinegar. The acid will kill the germs.
4 -  Scientists believe, after completing studies on animals, that your newly discovered sour mixture is also capable of lowering cholesterol in humans. More tests are needed.
5 -  Are you often plagued by a stuffy nose or nasal congestion? The potassium in raw apple cider vinegar can thin mucus.
6 -  Acetic acid can suppress a person's food cravings, reduce water retention, and increase metabolism. Consuming fewer calories equal weight loss.
7 -  Nobody wants dandruff. Mix a quarter cup of water and a quarter cup of this unique type of vinegar in a spray bottle. Spritz it on your scalp before washing your hair. Wrap a towel around your head for 15 minutes. This routine should be done at least twice a week. Your hair will also be shinier.
8 -  Need a boost of energy? You now know what to drink to beat fatigue!
9 -  Individuals with eczema problems can clear up their skin and prevent outbreaks by ingesting ACV diluted in water.
10 -Stop bothersome nighttime leg cramps through the potassium found in apple cider vinegar. Make your new home remedy a little sweeter by adding a teaspoon of honey.

4:35 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Stop Eating Junk Food - 5 Steps to Eliminate Junk Food From Your Diet

The wellness industry is big business in the United States. Every year, weight loss products and programs generate over $500 billion in profits. Fitness centers are popping up on every corner. We see more people making an effort to get fit and live healthy than ever before. Eating healthy is all the rage now. People are becoming aware of what they are eating. There is a huge demand for organic food. Clean eating is the goal.

What is clean eating? Clean eating is only eating foods that come directly from an animal or the farm. No lunch meat. No candy. No cheese puffs. Clean eating allows us to consume foods that our bodies can digest easily. We cannot process most of the ingredients that are in processed foods, leading to excess fat storage, malnutrition, and associated illnesses.

Processed foods are convenient, inexpensive, taste good and have a long storage life. Grocers stock their shelves with them. We learn at an early age that cookies, candy, and chicken nuggets are treats, so eating them gives us a sense of satisfaction. Here are five tips to help break the habit of desiring junk food.

Five Tips To Help You Give Up Junk Food

1. Avoid the aisles in the grocery store.

All of the food that is good for you is found on the walls of the grocery store. Produce, meat, seafood, and dairy are mostly stored in the refrigerator or freezer. The aisles of the grocery store are where everything else is kept. If you buy junk food, it is in your house, you will eat it. Just avoid buying it.

2. Find healthy options for junk food.

Enjoy a ripe mango instead of gummy bears. Eat dried bananas or plantain instead of potato chips. Buy fresh meat, cook it and slice it yourself instead of lunch meat. Try something new. There are plenty of healthy, tasty options.

3. Prepare for emergencies.

Prepare your meals in advance and pack healthy snacking options. Keep an apple, mixed nuts or granola handy for times when you need a snack. Preparing meals in advanced cuts down on the odds that you will stop at a fast food restaurant for a mystery meat sandwich.

4. Stay hydrated.

Sometimes dehydration is mistaken for hunger and if in the wrong place, you may grab a bag of chips. Try drinking water when you feel hungry and want to head to the vending machine for a Little Debbie snack cake.

5. Make up your mind and stick to it.

Everything we decide to do in life starts as a thought. Once you decide that you don't want to eat junk food anymore, stand by that decision. It's a simple concept that is sometimes difficult to put into action.

Lifestyle adjustments are a personal choice. Healthy eating is a very beneficial decision for yourself and your family. Breaking old habits are difficult but all difficult journeys begin with one step at a time.

8:06 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Important Tips to Rent a Wedding Dress

It is the dream of the majority of young ladies today to get married in a luxurious and a stylish wedding ceremony. The wedding dress is among the wedding aspects that can make the whole difference, with regards to the experience of the wedding. Many brides preserve their wedding dresses well after their wedding to serve as a memory for the fantastic day. Currently, it is considerably expensive to buy wedding dresses from designers. If you are working on a tight budget, one of the cheapest ways of getting a wedding gown is renting one out. If you are considering this option, you will find the following tips helpful.

Select the perfect store

There are many stores today that specialize in renting out wedding gowns. Before deciding on the store to rent from, it is advisable to carry out a background check. You should only rent from the reputable and well renowned stores that have a list of satisfied clients.

Additionally, you also need to note the terms of the store before renting from them. There are many prominent bridal renting stores and salons to choose from today. Therefore, this should not be a big problem. The majority of these stores also has websites, from where you can contact them. After finding the right one, you only have to walk into their store and try out your preferred gown and finalize the deal.

Shop in advance

If renting is your preferred option, you should allow yourself enough time to find the right dress for you before the wedding day. Additionally, some rentals do not allow brides to have the dress re-sized to fit them. As such, it is advisable to leave enough time to find a dress of suitable size and style.

Considering rental packages

In addition to the wedding gown, some rentals will also rent the accessories. Some will even rent the dress along with the matching accessories as a package. If you would also like to have the accessories, you should negotiate with the rental and get to know the contents of their packages. Some of the accessories that may be included in the package include wedding jewelry, shoes, veil, tiara and a petticoat.

Signing the rental agreement

To rent a wedding dress, you will have to sign a rental agreement. The contract will contain such information as the date of delivery and return you should ensure that the information on this form is per your agreement with the rental before signing it.

Renting a wedding gown is among the cheapest ways of acquiring this important dress. If you have decided to rent rather than buy, these tips will guide you through the process.
7:57 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Are You Ready to Give Up Dieting?

We are now one month into the New Year, which means 30 days have passed since you have committed to yet another resolution to lose the weight once and for all. But have you ever taken the time to reflect upon the methods you have chosen over and over again to achieve your weight loss goals? How many diets have you actually gone on and off in your lifetime? Did they work? If so, for how long?
The unfortunate truth that I am about to share with you is that diets do not work. At first, dieting can be fun and even exhilarating. You think that "this time it's going to work, this time I'm going to stay committed". And you do. The weight comes off and it's a very euphoric feeling. But for many chronic dieters, the weight always ends up coming back once the diet is over. This is why dieting is not the solution for achieving long-term weight loss. In fact, statistics show that 46% of people who make a weight loss resolution never make it past 6 months. The reason is that dieting is hard. Restricting calories alters your mood and depriving yourself of your favorite foods can be tormenting. Eventually, you give in to your cravings which lead to overeating and feelings of failure.
If this sounds like you and you experience a yo-yo cycle of successes and failures, you can likely relate to the negative feelings dieting has imposed on your life. It is quite exhausting to have to constantly obsess over food. Contrary to what dieting has taught you, food is not the enemy and everyone deserves to eat regardless of their size or shape.
If you take a step back and consider the pros and cons that dieting has brought you in the past, your list might look something like this:
Pro: Lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time
Con: Felt hungry, was moody, couldn't concentrate, missed eating my favorite foods, was not enjoyable, always had to think about what I was eating, gained back all the weight, felt guilt, felt like a failure
Dieting instills a life-long obsession with food and body image that is debilitating mentally, emotionally and physically. What you may not realize is that these issues are actually caused by dieting (something that the diet industry would rather keep hush, hush). If you have gone through the dieting cycle for years without long-term success, you might have reached a very critical point known as "diet bottom". Hitting diet bottom means that you do not have the energy or inner strength to go on another diet. You are completely exhausted from dieting, from thinking about how every bite is going to affect your weight, from counting calories and from depriving yourself of foods that you love. You simply cannot do it anymore.
Hitting diet bottom, believe it or not, is a positive place to be as it is the first step out of the yo-yo dieting cycle. It is important to know if you have truly hit diet bottom because there are solutions to achieving permanent weight loss that do not include a single diet plan. Figuring out for yourself if you are at this point takes self-reflection into your personal diet patterns and to be honest with yourself as to how dieting has affected you throughout your life. Then, and only then, can you move to the next step of discovering the biggest mistakes you've made at dieting and from there, to proper nourishment of your mind, body and soul.
7:47 PM | 0 comments | Read More

High Calories Foods That Are Good for You

When we say foods are high in calories, we think they must be unhealthy. The foods that we have mentioned are very dense in calories but they are still a healthy diet in moderation. We need at least some dietary fat for our hormones to function properly and to absorb minerals and vitamins. Doctors recommend not less than 15% fat from your diet. Check out the following healthiest fat and high cal foods.

Olive Oil
Olive oil is the best alternative to stick on margarine and butter, it is very important to keep serving size in mind. Just one tablespoon of olive oil has 120 cal. Yes olive oil is high in fat, it is high in mono-unsaturated fat and it has several health benefits including maintaining healthy cholesterol levels and lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases, breast cancer, and Alzheimer's. You can use olive oil with salads, roasted veggies and as a replacement for margarine.

Homemade Granola
It is one of the foods that have always been classified as healthy. It is important to check the nutrition facts on granola package. Mostly it is made with natural ingredients such as oats, nuts and seeds; granola is full of nutrients. These are high in calories about 300 cal per half cup. Homemade granola is best way to enjoy it from guilt free. Keep your serving size to ¼ to ½ cup and you can enjoy with plain yogurt or milk.

Creamy, smooth and nutritious avocado have it all. They are full of vitamin C and K, potassium, fiber and many other nutrients. A half avocado gives you 15 gm of the good monounsaturated fat, and despite technically being a fruit, they have almost no sugar (0.2 gm per one half). Keep in mind a whole avocado ranges between 300 and 500 cal.

Almond Butter
Like granola, almond butter is yet another rich in nutrients food you can enjoy, but it can be loaded with added sugar and fat. Nuts generally are high in cal, around 190 to 200 calories per handful. One serving size of almond butter (2 tablespoons) has about 4 gm of protein, 2 gm of fiber, and 18 gm of fat. It also has iron, vitamin E and magnesium. A little bit of almond butter goes a long way- one serving size has up to 200 calories. Avoid reduced fat versions of almond butter, because they actually have higher sugar content. Plus, try to buy almond butter with the fewest added ingredients, and the low in sugar and sodium contents. Natural brands usually have fewer additives compared to their commercial counterparts.

Dark Chocolate
Most of us have heard it: dark chocolate is good for you. It is full of nutrients and antioxidants plus it may help lower your blood pressure and can control blood sugar level, and additionally boost your mood. One bar of chocolate can have around 530 cal. Munch on one bar throughout the week or pick up individually wrapped dark chocolate for 50 cal a piece. While these foods are high in calories, they certainly can be part of a diet that promotes health and of well-being.
7:43 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Tips for Buying Evening Dresses

Choosing an evening dress can be a fun and relaxing task. An evening dress is usually very expensive, so you may want to take some precautions while choosing one for yourself. Some things to keep in mind are-
• An evening dress must spell elegance. Elegance is the most important thing to look for in an evening dress.
• The first thing to decide while picking out a dress for evening wear is the length - do you want it short or long? Full length dresses are always a safe option, and is a better choice if the occasion is formal or if the dress code indicated is formal.
• Choosing the fabric is also important. It must flatter your figure and you must feel comfortable in it the whole evening.
• Choose the colour of the dress based on how it looks on you - it should go with your skin tone and hair colour. If you are not sure and don't want to mess up, the 'little black dress' is a fall back option. It is everybody's favourite and you cannot go wrong with it. Black is cool, elegant and mysterious, at the same time simple and sexy. If you feel it is a bit plain, you can accessorise it with jewellery or scarves.
• If you feel a little diffident about your figure, go in for a dress that is rich in colour and is made from luxurious fabric. For a well-toned body, a white dress can look great.
• Embellishments on the dress and design lines can also show you figure to advantage or draw attention to your worst features. So be sure how such a dress looks on you.
• You may want to dress with the trend. Check up the latest magazines and online stores to see what is trending, if you like it and if it will suit you.
• The dress style must flatter your figure. A dress slit on one side or on both sides sill show off long legs to advantage. A backless dress will suit a slim back and can highlight your hairstyle.
• If you intend to wear the dress many times, go in for a dress that has a timeless appeal. Satin, lace and crepe in fine cuts can never fail you, no matter what your age is.
Don't hesitate to be extravagant while spending on an evening dress. It is a good investment and you will have many occasions to wear it - wedding receptions, cocktail parties and formal dinners. And no wardrobe will be complete without it.

7:27 PM | 0 comments | Read More
berita unik