Low-glycemic foods and their benefits

Have you decided to follow a better diet?
Well, you can decide on this for several reasons, for example, fat loss or even heart health. Regular exercise, adequate nutritional supplements and a proper glycemic diet may be what you need to know.
Ideally, glycemic foods are types of foods that affect your blood sugar level.
Foods with low levels of sugar are essential, but the problem for many is knowing which foods are glycemic and which foods are not. Most people find it difficult to understand what the body needs at some specific time and for what reasons.

So, what are low glycemic foods?
Low-glycemic foods are those that have a low glycemic index value of 55 or less.
The reason they are preferred is that they are digested and absorbed at a slower rate which leads to a gradual increase as well as a smaller rise in the blood sugar level. Therefore, the glycemic index (GI) is a scale that ranks different foods according to their effect on blood sugar levels.

Benefits of low glycemic foods:

a) It reduces the risk of cancer
When eating foods that are high in blood sugar, it may lead to some types of cancer such as breast cancer, endometrial cancer and colorectal cancer, and studies show that people who follow a low glycemic index diet have a lower risk of developing cancer.

b) Helps reduce excess weight
Diets with a low glycemic index lead to a loss of 0.7-1.9 kg of weight only between 5-10 weeks. It also helps lower the blood sugar levels of diabetic patients.

c) It reduces the risk of heart disease
According to research studies, 25% of people who follow a high glycemic index diet are more likely to develop heart disease than their counterparts who follow a low glycemic index diet.

D) improve cholesterol levels
Low-glycemic diets can reduce by 9.6% of total cholesterol and 8.6% of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, which is stroke and heart disease.

Foods on a low glycemic index diet

Low-glycemic foods are of three categories: small, medium and high GI.

To achieve the benefits of low glycemic foods, choose from the following; Whole grains, beans, legumes, yogurt, dairy products, fresh fruit, bread and rice.
Also, some foods do not have a glycemic index value because they contain little or no carbohydrates and therefore can be part of the list and include; Nuts, seeds, meat, fats, oils, fish, herbs as well as spices

Low GI Diet Challenge

The glycemic index does not give a true nutritional profile. Likewise, it measures the effect of a specific food on blood sugar levels which becomes tricky as most foods are eaten in a mixed meal.
The glycemic index does not take into account the number of carbohydrates ingested although it does determine their effect on sugar levels.
In short, regardless of the glycemic index, it is beneficial to eat a healthy, balanced diet consisting of whole, unprocessed foods.
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