Fat Loss 4 Idiots - How to Lose Weight

What is stopping you from losing weight? Not enough time in the day, too tired, a lack of money? I am sorry to tell you this but... no this is not the reason you are overweight. There is one reason and one reason only for your fat stomach, legs or thighs and that is procrastination. No matter how you swing it - this is the only real reason and the one barrier to weight loss that you must overcome.

Now... please do one thing for me. Check your diary. Today is Monday. Now mark in the diary 11 days from now i.e. next Friday. Write down "lost 9 pounds"! What if we said that you could lose 9 pounds by next Friday. Well Fat Loss 4 Idiots online diet claims exactly that.

This diet is also known as the Idiot Proof diet and Weight Loss 4 Idiots.

No exercise

First and foremost - you will be pleased to hear that there is NO exercise required as part of this weight loss program. Obviously a bit of exercise will help with burning those calories faster, however this diet is great if you are a particularly busy person and want to lose pounds without committing to regular exercise.

Eat Foods You Actually Like

No more stale, boring foods, no more low carb this and low fat that. Choose foods you actually want to eat from a wide range of proteins, carbohydrate, fruit and vegetables. The way it works is that you select foods that you like from a 'diet generator' and this will pull together your dietary plan for you. Simple!

Even better - you actually get 3 days off at the end of your 11 day stretch to eat WHATEVER you want! Now this doesn't mean binging - but it does give you a chance to regenerate your batteries before the next 11 day stretch (and next 9 pounds lost!)

Eat as much as you like

You do not need to starve to lose weight. In fact, starving yourself is going to actually slow your metabolism and make it harder to lose weight long term. Put away the celery sticks and eat as much as you want. By following the diet you will boost your metabolism that helps burn additional calories moving forward.

Whats next? Get started and lose those pounds. The Fat Loss 4 Idiots Calorie Shifting Method will help you on the road to weight loss. Lose those 9 pounds in 11 days and get start achieving your weight loss goals.
berita unik