How To Lose 20 Lbs In Four Weeks

For a woman, it is a terrible feeling of being trapped inside a fat body . You feel sexy , you can not wear the clothes of your choice and you do not even want to socialize . And even if it keeps you constantly tell you that you need to lose weight , you continue to eat your " comfort food" and keep adding more bacon. If you have done the same for years , now is the time to end the ordeal .

You can make a significant change in your life by losing weight. Today we will tell you how to lose 20 pounds in a month . Yes , it is possible to achieve this goal and the sound of this. This article will give you some important tips to help you lose 20 pounds in a quick and efficient manner.

Start by setting a target for you. To lose 20 pounds in a month , you have to lose at least two pounds every three days. This means that your daily calorie deficit should be around 3,000 calories. A normal adult female consume 2200-2500 calories each day and which obviously can not stop eating altogether! So what do you do in this case? The solutions are very simple, really . Read on to learn more.

Change your Exercise Routine

First, start by changing your exercise program . Instead of a workout in the afternoon, start your day with a rigorous workout in the morning on an empty stomach. A half hour session is enough. When the afternoon session or night can help reduce 500 calories per morning session flat cut 800-1000 calories .

Your Daily Diet

To lose 20 pounds fast, you also have to watch what you eat and drink. Make it a habit to drink at least three liters of fresh lemon every day . Also remember to have a healthy carrot juice and beet per day. Carrot juice beet goes a long way to detoxify your body and cleansing organs , such as liver and colon. As for the food, processed sugar and ditch choose healthy salad made ​​with chicken and vegetables. Read a book or two about salad recipes and maintain interest , so you never go hungry and feel the need to return to their comfort food.

Hormonal Balance

Hormones in the body play an important role in weight management . To balance your hormones, reduce your stress level by adopting a routine of yoga or meditation every day. Make sure you get a good seven to eight hours of rest. Most women are not even aware that hormones are wreaking havoc on their bodies. It is therefore a good idea to consult a doctor to know more about your hormones. Your doctor will perform a test or two and let you know the things you need to do to keep your hormones balanced .

Following these simple steps into a routine and focusing will help you reach your goal to lose 20 pounds in a month , so if you have not started , now is the time to start your weight loss program !How would your life be if you were sexy and fit? If you act now , you may lose all that extra fat in a few months.
berita unik