Tips for Weight Loss

There are no magic pills, it's about smart choices. No one is perfect. Simply move in the direction to get better each day.

Think of your diet as a lifestyle for longevity. Eat a wide variety of natural whole foods based on what you just did and what you're about to do.

Enjoy what you love without the guilt, but eat healthy most of the time.

Have earned meals, not cheat meals. When you eat the correct foods most of the time you earn the ability to eat whatever you want. How often depends on your individual goals. Cheating brings up a negative image. Don't be negative about something you've earned.

Simplified Weight Loss Facts
It can be extremely overwhelming trying to learn about weight loss. No matter which way you turn, someone is telling you about a "miracle pill", a new machine, some sort of gimmick that guarantees quick weight loss with little to work on your part, other than paying them. There is literally thousands of diet plans that claim they are the best. None of that is necessary.

So, if you want to lose energy, you simply need to burn more energy than you take in.

Calories = Energy
Fat = Stored Energy

Take in less calories. Your body needs a certain amount of energy to function throughout the day. If it is not getting enough from the food that you are taking it, it takes it from your energy storage, which is fat. A lot of people decide to take this too far and starve themselves, That is an extremely unhealthy decision. Your body needs certain nutrients to function properly, and you need to eat to get them. You may lose weight if you stop eating, but you will do more harm than good form your body.

Combine exercise and proper nutrition. This is the most efficient way to lose weight. By reducing the amount of energy that you take in, along with burning more of your stored energy by exercising, you will get maximum results. Also, this combination is the most efficient way to improve you health. The exercise will not only help you lose weight, but it improves your heart and lung health. Eating healthy will give your body the nutrients it needs to function properly, along with reducing the amount of energy that your body stores. Too many people look for a magic pill that will help them lose weight. Weight loss pills do one of two things. They either flush out your body's water weight, which is extremely unhealthy, or they increase your heart rate to speed up your metabolism, which is also unhealthy.

Tips for Rapid Weight Loss

Drink Water. Ditch any liquid high in calories but drink lots of fluids, mostly water.

Cut back on Salt. Salt isn't bad, but too much of it can cause problems.
Dump Highly Processed Foods. Highly processed foods often lack essential nutrients and are high in bad fats, sugar, and artificial chemicals.

Double Dark Leafy Greens. Leafy greens are nutritious and come in a wide variety.

Prioritize Sleep. Skipping sleep packs on the pounds.

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