Weight Loss Tips For 2014

Are you serious about losing weight?


Do you want to know the real way to lose weight?

Losing weight is simply a matter of eating the right kinds of foods and burning up more calories than you consume... But you knew that already didn\'t you?

Unfortunately, it really is that simple... Fortunately, there are some easy-to-follow tricks or nuances that make all the difference.

As many will have heard me say before, \"specificity is the key, so declare why you want to lose weight, how much & what exercise & when you are going to do it.\"

With all the fad \'diets\' around it is hard to know how to get the best results that are going to be long lasting. Here are some of the best tips.

Simple as it may seem the very best one is going public with your goals & doing it with a friend will increase your results.

1 - Reduce the carbohydrates & increasing the lean protein in your diet, such as Body By Vi shakes for breakfast & lunch.

2 - Protein in your diet gives a leaner body shape.

3 - Some fat is essential in your diet.

4 - Long term serious calorie reduction reduces your metabolic rate.

5 - Calorie restriction 2 out of 7 days restriction aids weight loss, such as 3 Body By Vi shakes for just 2 days a week.

6 - Drink water - so often we are thirsty, not hungry.

7 - Never eat whilst watching TV or reading - be conscious of your eating.

8 - Eat slowly, even swap hands or use chop sticks.

9 - Reward yourself with something several times a day e.g reading a magazine for just 5 minutes when you feel like eating.

10 - Always ask your self \'Am I hungry, or do I just want to eat?\".

11 - Mindset is crucial.\" We only make a change in our lives if we have a good enough reason\". Write your reasons down.

12 - Get a personal coach to address issues from the past that have caused you to put on weight. Hypnotherapy is a great approach, either individual or group sessions.

13 - Exercising even for 10 minutes 5 times a week will boost your metabolic rate.

14 - Getting a personal trainer, even for just one session will mean the exercise you do is done correctly & is specific for your needs.

15 - You cannot target specific areas for weight loss, only to build muscle.

Fat cells are laid down at birth so stubborn areas that remain despite diet & exercise require other treatments. The non-invasive method is CoolSculpting which literally freezes the fat that is then naturally removed from the body.

berita unik