The Magical Benefits of Oats You did not Know Before

Oatmeal is a nutritious whole grain that many people eat for breakfast or add to some desserts or other recipes.

Oatmeal can be added to cakes, granola and other baked goods. It is best to eat oatmeal every day to take advantage of its wonderful benefits, making it one of the best cereals in the world.
Benefits of eating Oats daily

Oats help control blood sugar levels
Helps lose weight
Provides energy for the body
Beneficial for the heart and blood vessels
Provides the body with proteins
Helps prevent thyroid disease
Promotes digestion
Prevents osteoporosis
Beneficial for the central nervous system
Helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood
How to eat Oats

Oats can be added to milk like other cereals, oat pancakes or oat bread can be made, oats can be cooked and added to salads, or fruit can be used to prepare an oatmeal drink. 
Oatmeal Diet

It is to eat about half a cup of oats and half a cup of skimmed milk for each meal
If you want to eat a small meal of oats that contains other nutrients, you can prepare a healthy meal from low-fat foods such as yogurt. Also meat, where four ounces of lean meat is a healthy option.

It is important that the number of calories per day does not exceed 1200 calories.
And you must do some exercises that help burn calories about 3-5 days of the week, at a rate of 30 minutes per day.

You can eat half a cup of fruit and vegetable snacks between meals, it is good for your health, but choose fruits and vegetables that are low in sugar and starch.
It is recommended to drink about 8 glasses of water per day, and you can add a little lemon juice or slices to add a good taste to the water.

After following this diet for 30 days, you can change to another healthy diet, but it is recommended to eat lean meats such as chicken breast and fish, in addition to a lot of fruits and vegetables, and you can continue to add oatmeal to your meals.
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